Capacity Building and Skills Enhancement

  1. Soft Skills

Soft skills encompass a diverse range of interpersonal abilities and personal attributes that enable individuals to effectively navigate social interactions, collaborate within teams, and adapt to diverse situations in both personal and professional contexts. These skills, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, and emotional intelligence, are not job-specific but rather universally valuable, fostering cohesive relationships, enhancing productivity, and promoting leadership qualities. They empower individuals to communicate effectively, manage conflicts, and exhibit resilience, playing a pivotal role in personal development, career success, and the overall dynamics of any given environment by complementing and enhancing technical expertise with human-centered proficiencies.

Soft Skills

S.No Name of the capability enhancement program Date of implementation                               (DD-MM-YYYY) Number of students enrolled Name of the agencies/consultants involved with contact details  (if any)
1 Verbal, Aptitude & Reasoning (VAR) Training 15-02-2023
372 Ms.V.Yazhini, AP/English, Nandha College of Technology, Erode-52

Ms.T.Padma, Placement Trainer,
Nandha College of Technology, Erode-52

2 Hexaware Company Specific Training 03-12-2022
149 Mr.T.Sureshkumar, AP/CSE
Nandha College of Technology,


  1. Language and Communication Skills

Language and communication skills constitute a multifaceted competency encompassing the aptitude to convey, comprehend, and articulate information effectively in diverse contexts. Proficiency in language enables individuals to express thoughts, ideas, and emotions with clarity, precision, and cultural sensitivity, fostering mutual understanding. Communication skills, encompassing verbal, non-verbal, and written forms, facilitate the seamless exchange of information, paving the way for productive interactions, active listening, and the ability to tailor messages for varied audiences. These skills serve as the cornerstone for building relationships, negotiating, and problem-solving, playing an integral role in personal, academic, and professional success by bridging gaps, inspiring collaboration, and fostering a more interconnected and harmonious global community.

Language and Communication Skills
S.No Name of the capability enhancement program Date of implementation                               (DD-MM-YYYY) Number of students enrolled Name of the agencies/consultants involved with contact details  (if any)
1 Ice Breaking-Team Building 08.10.2022 169 Mrs.S.K.Sathya, A P / English,
Nandha College of Technology, Erode.
2 Enhancing Public Speaking 22.09.2022 176 Ms.V.Yazhini, AP/English, Nandha College of Technology, Erode.
  1. Life Skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)

Life skills, which encompass yoga, physical fitness, health, and hygiene, are fundamental components of personal well-being and holistic development. Yoga, an ancient practice, harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, promoting mental serenity and physical vitality. Physical fitness, achieved through regular exercise, not only enhances strength and endurance but also contributes to emotional and mental resilience. Health and hygiene, on the other hand, form the bedrock of a healthy lifestyle, safeguarding individuals from illness and promoting longevity. These life skills collectively empower individuals to lead balanced lives, manage stress, and cultivate a profound connection between their physical and mental states, fostering a harmonious and fulfilling existence.

Life Skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
S.No Name of the capability enhancement program Date of implementation                               (DD-MM-YYYY) Number of students enrolled Name of the agencies/consultants involved with contact details  (if any)
1 Mindfulness and Meditation 05.10.2022 372 Mrs.R.Vinu , M.A,
Yoga Trainer for School and Colleges.
2 Yoga for Health 09.08.2022 369 Dr.R.Kavitha, Diploma in Yoga,
Yoga trainer.
3 Yoga for physical health and psychological well being 10.06.2022 362 Mr.Arumugavel, YogaTrainer,
Nandha Central School,     Erode-52.
  1. ICT / Computing Skills

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and computing skills are pivotal in today’s digital age, enabling individuals to navigate and harness the power of technology for myriad purposes. Proficiency in ICT involves the adept use of software, hardware, and the internet, facilitating efficient data management, research, and communication. Computing skills encompass programming, data analysis, and problem-solving, empowering individuals to create solutions, automate tasks, and innovate in diverse fields. These skills serve as a cornerstone for success in the modern world, enhancing productivity, enabling remote work and learning, and contributing to technological advancements that drive progress across various industries. As our world becomes increasingly connected, ICT and computing skills are essential for individuals to thrive in both personal and professional spheres, promoting efficiency, innovation, and global connectivity.

ICT / Computing  Skills
S.No. Name of the capability enhancement program Date of implementation                               (DD-MM-YYYY) Number of students enrolled Name of the agencies/consultants involved with contact details  (if any)
1 Machine learning algorithm implementation using Google Colab 04.02.2023 192 Ms.K.Nithya,
Kongu Engineering College, Erode.
2 Robotic Process Automation 25.08.2022 191 Mr.K.Mugunthan,
Sr.Software Engineer,
Claysys Technology Pvt.Ltd., Kochi.