What is Programme Specific Outcomes?

PSOs are statements that describe what the graduates of a specific subject or program should be able to do.

Programme Specific Outcomes-2021

  • PSO1: Design, develop and analyze electronic systems through application of relevant electronics, mathematics and engineering principles
  • PSO2: Design, develop and analyze communication systems through application of fundamentals from communication principles, signal processing, and RF System Design &Electromagnetics.
  • PSO3: Adapt to emerging electronics and communication technologies and develop innovative solutions for existing and newer problems

Programme Specific Outcomes-2017

  • PSO1: To analyze, design and develop solutions by applying foundational concepts of electronics and communication engineering.
  • PSO2: To apply design principles and best practices for developing quality products for scientific and business applications.
  • PSO3: To adapt to emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) to innovate ideas and solutions to existing/novel problems.