Grievance Cell

Students Grievance Cell:

The college has a Grievance Redressal Cell to redress the grievance of its stakeholders. The students approach the cell to voice their grievances regarding academic matters health services, library and other services. A Student may send her grievance to the Principal over email ( cell redresses the grievances by sorting out the problems promptly and judiciously. It comprises of the following members:

Designation Contact No
1 Prof.P.Manickavasagam HoD/MECH 9750550333

Ombudsman :

The Office of the Student Ombudsman is an impartial and neutral resource to help students, faculty and staff resolve academic and non-academic concerns. The ombudsman provides information related to JC policies and procedures and facilitates the resolution of problems and grievances through informal investigation and mediation.

A Committee consisting the following member is appointed for "Ombudsman" for this Institute.
